Humans Of Rapid City

Episode 10: Jackie Kriebel and Joseph Weseloh (w/ Tyler Millslagle)



I had the opportunity to get two local musicians and educators, Jacqueline Kriebel and Joseph Weseloh, in Studio 1-A along with Tyler Millslagle (you might remember him from our previous episode) to dive into what exactly it takes to be a music educator in Rapid City and what kind of influence you have over children's development, especially when you include the use of music in your teachings.  Jackie, Joe, Tyler and I are all apart of the cast of The Robber Bridegroom, which is currently playing it's final weekend at the Firehouse Brewing Theatre.  We talk a bit about that in this episode, along with plenty of other non-sequiturs. But Jackie, Joe and I share a unique bond in that we are all making our live band debut in a musical.  We talk about our experience in that show, with music in general and the four of us share our common bond with growing up with music.  Whether we stuck with it or not. All in all, it was a fantastic time to get to know these two fantastic human beings and definitely look for Tyler