Generations Radio

The Worldview of Chicken Little - The Terrible Consequences of Climate Hysteria



54- of American adults believe that climate change is a major threat.--That's up from 44- in 2010. E-cars. Solar farms. Accusations of Ecocide. The hysteria isn't quelling this time. But what is the worldview and the psychology behind the irrational rage and mindless revolution-- Are they avoiding the inevitability of the real cataclysm, the ultimate judgment at the hands of almighty God-- Kevin Swanson interviews E. Calvin Beisner from the Cornwall Alliance on his new book- -Climate and Energy - the Case for Realism.- Will this unholy cartel of scientists and politicians who have abandoned the fear of God create more of a problem for the world by their senseless policies----This program includes---1. The World View in 5 Minutes with Adam McManus -Arizona Supreme Court upholds 1864 abortion ban, Violence against Christians up 45- in India, Total solar eclipse from Mexico to Canada---2. Generations with Kevin Swanson