Generations Radio

Campus Crusade in Crisis - Backwards Christian Soldiers . . .



Campus Crusade for Christ is going backwards. Staff requirements advising using -preferred pronouns- and referring to homosexuality as -a disordering of sexual desires- is not helping anybody. The lukewarm position has always been untenable. We explain here why Christians cannot live by lies, but the shame of it-is a depreciation of the power of the Gospel and a lapse of faith. Isn't it time for another crusade-- And, when was the last time we sang -Onward Christian Soldiers-----This program includes- --1. The World View in 5 Minutes with Adam McManus -Nicaragua convicted 11 pastors on false charges- Samuel Morse, inventor of Morse code, a devout Christian- Florida Supreme Court- 15-week abortion ban is constitutional---2. Generations with Kevin Swanson