Tools For Every Day Leaders & Managers With Leadership Coach Kris Plachy

The Best Question for Leaders to Ask | E156



In another episode of Leadership is Feminine, Kris Plachy delivers powerful insights and thoughtful musings about a favorite topic: goals. Showcasing her natural finesse for leadership coaching, Kris frames a magic question that serves as an effective tool to realign our focus - "What is the goal?" In a world where our minds are cluttered with to-do lists, divergent ideas, and unexpected plans, Kris argues that this seemingly simple question can guide us back to the heart of our intentions. This episode delves into the importance of a goal-oriented approach in leadership and decision-making processes. Moreover, Kris shares an ambitious goal of her own. She hopes to inspire and influence 20 million women in leadership globally through her podcast. With this target, she highlights the underlying tenet of Leadership is Feminine - that one thriving woman can make a significant difference. She gives a call-to-action, inviting listeners to share the podcast and empower more women leaders worldwide. In her discussio