Why Struggle? Podcast W Barbara J. Faison

Week 15 - Celebrations!



All the links - LINKTR.EE/BARBARAFAISON 2024 - Week 15 - Celebrations! This is a podcast about celebrating friendships and enjoying life. My dear friend Bonnie is celebrating her birthday and a group of us will go salsa dancing on Friday. When I was chatting with her earlier this week, neither one of us could remember exactly when we met. Well, we remembered when we met, we just couldn’t remember the year. We’re pretty sure it was around 2000ish. Lol At that time, I was dancing once or twice a week around various places in Atlanta. One Friday night while I was at the Duplex listening to music and dancing in place, Bonnie came over and struck up a conversation. That act started the beginning of our friendship. Over the next 20+ years, we experienced a lot! Whenever I had a program and needed support, Bonnie was there. She would be there early, stay for the program, and help me clean up afterwards. In fact after I got married, my husband noticed whenever something was taking place whether it was people coming