The Non-prophets

Faith and Fraud: Churches Fleecing the Flock



Researchers say Christian leaders will embezzle an estimated $86 billion in 2024The Friendly Atheist, By Hemant Mehta, on Mar 20, 2024 discussion delved into the issue of financial transparency and accountability within Christian organizations, particularly regarding the embezzlement of funds.Kelley Laughlin shed light on the alarming statistic that Christian leaders may embezzle over $80 billion annually by 2024, as reported by the Center for the Study of Global Christianity and the Trinity Foundation. This embezzlement includes practices like skimming from offering plates and diverting mission donations to personal expenses.The panelists highlighted the lack of financial oversight and transparency within religious institutions, emphasizing the need for routine audits, transparency measures, and consequences for illegal activities. They also discussed the pervasive influence of Christianity in American society, particularly in politics, an