Marketer Of The Day With Robert Plank: Get Daily Insights From The Top Internet Marketers & Entrepreneurs Around The World

1084: Drive 7 Figures Through Customer-Centric Copywriting and Master Email Marketing Basics with Conversion Copywriter Expert and Copy Coach Monica Badiu



In the digital era, where inboxes are battlegrounds for attention, email marketing is key for companies to connect with their audience. This method of marketing is not just about promoting products or services; it's an art and a science, blending compelling copywriting with an understanding of consumer behavior. Good email marketing is about respecting your audience, giving them useful information, and interacting with them beyond just selling them things. Meet Monica Badiu, an Email Marketing Copywriter and Copy Coach. She has a knack for crafting copy that's not just compelling but also customer-centric. Monica focuses on treating audiences as human beings and delivering value beyond mere sales. In this episode, she talks about the importance of understanding your audience, developing a big idea for your emails, addressing customer objections over time, uncovering and correcting false assumptions about your audience, and adopting ethical email marketing practices. Listen in for advice that could change y