The Powell Movement Action Sports Podcast

TPM Episode 377: Colter Hinchliffe, Pro Skier



Colter Hinchliffe is living proof that the Aspen rockstar ski bum dream not only exists but it can thrive if your heart is in the right place. Colter spent his life surrounding himself with the only thing that mattered to him - Skiing.  And between growing up near Aspen, dropping out of college to shred, moving to Alta, and returning to Aspen, he made the right contacts to make the dream come true. He was tending bar in Aspen, making handfuls of cash, allowing him to travel anywhere in the world at a minute's notice...That lifestyle put him in AK and eventually in a helicopter with the TGR crew when he was 25 years old, and that, combined with an unexpected Powder Magazine cover, helped Colter graduate from ski bum to pro skier pretty late in the game. It's a real-life Aspen Extreme Ski Bum Story. Colter Hinchliffe Show Notes 3:00:  Ski gangs of Aspen, Basalt, no ski programs, X in Aspen, Aspen rich person stuff   18:00  Stanley:  Get up 60% off at Best Day Brewing:  All of the