Purple Patch Podcast

Episode 309: Understanding Nutrition and Stress



On this week's episode of the Purple Patch podcast, IRONMAN Master Coach Matt Dixon delves into the topic of stress. Dealing with stress is crucial for personal growth, but it can also negatively impact your daily performance.  In this episode, Matt highlights the role of stress in nutrition and eating habits and emphasizes three key areas where your approach and the role of stress can determine your success or struggle.  Matt explains how different stressors can affect athletes' eating habits. He describes how stress can create weaknesses by disrupting regulatory processes that help us maintain healthy eating habits, which can derail adherence to a smart eating plan. Matt offers guidance on how to adjust your mindset and approach to the quantity, quality, and timing of your meals to better cope with stress, develop a strategy, and improve your overall health. He also discusses supportive habits in other areas of performance, such as sleep and training, that can complement your nutritional approach. Additiona