David Hathaway

The Power of Pentecost in your life / Acts Bible Study (Part 5) / Chapter 2



When as a teenager I received the Holy Spirit, no, I didn’t see tongues of Fire, but on that Easter Monday, aged 14, in the Westminster Central Hall in London when they laid hands on me, it was as if the whole of Heaven opened up and Fire came down – I spoke with tongues, praising God. To me it was the ‘latter rain’ as prophesied by Joel. That experience has never left me in the almost 80 years since it took place. I still have the same Power, the same Anointing. Or rather, the Power and Anointing are stronger and more evident now that I’m over 90 years of age, than when I was a teenager! I take the literal interpretation of Joel 2:23 as a Power which will increase until all the Harvest is in – and Jesus returns! And now Peter continues to address the crowd in v22, “You men of Israel, hear these words: Jesus of Nazareth, a man approved of God among you by miracles, wonders and signs which God did by Him in front of you!” Peter is very clear, the evidence that Jesus was the Son of God was the miracles He did a