Behind The Knife: The Surgery Podcast

Clinical Challenges in Colorectal Surgery: Management of Advanced and Malignant Polyps



Join Drs. Galandiuk, Bolshinsky, Kavalukas, and Simon as they discuss Management of Advanced and Malignant Polyps.  Come with us as we navigate through sessile serrated lesions, pathology reports, and rectal polyp nuances.  Hosts:  - Susan Galandiuk, University of Louisville, Louisville, Kentucky, @DCREdInChief - Vladimir Bolshinsky, Peninsula Health, Victoria, Australia, @bolshinskyv - Sandy Kavalukas, University of Louisville, Louisville, Kentucky, @sandykava - Hillary Simon, University of Louisville, Louisville, Kentucky, @HillaryLSimon Producer:  - Manasa Sunkara MS3, University of Louisville, Louisville, Kentucky, @manasasunkara12 Learning objectives:  - Review colorectal cancer screening for the average risk patient. - Understand what a malignant polyp is defined as and management strategies.  - Discuss the pathology review and re-review processes.  References:  - Church J, et al. Keeping the Cecum Clean: A Randomized, Prospective, Placebo-Controlled Trial of Loperamide as Part of Preparation for Co