They Create Worlds

Two Dunes: The Battle for Arrakis



TCW Podcast Episode 208 - Two Dunes: The Battle for Arrakis   In this episode, we delve into the expansive universe of Dune, a rich tapestry woven with themes, warnings, and boundless inspiration. Its profound impact extends beyond literature, influencing science fiction and serving as a wellspring of creativity for writers, artists, and futurists alike. Our focus shifts to the realm of gaming as we explore the intricate landscape of adaptations, particularly the simultaneous development of two landmark Dune games by Virgin Games. Cryo Interactive's adventure strategy game "Dune" and Westwood Studio's real-time strategy game "Dune 2: Battle for Arrakis" emerge as distinct creations, each influenced by its respective studio's vision. We navigate the complexities of rights acquisition following Frank Herbert's passing and the lukewarm reception of the 1984 film adaptation, shedding light on the intricate plots and tangled webs that define these two seminal Dune gaming experiences.   DUNE Series Explained: https