Bigfoot Society

Nightfall Over Blue Ridge: Unleashed Terror in Virginia!



Lorri shares her chilling encounters with a mysterious creature, believed to be Bigfoot, in the secluded Blue Ridge mountain area of Virginia. Lorri, who recently moved back with her parents into a rural setting due to her disability, shares her firsthand experiences of the unsettling presence of a large, dark figure that profoundly impacted her and her family's life on their properties. From seeing inexplicable large creatures and evidence of their presence, like a snapped branch, to feeling watched through her window at night, Lorri's narrative is not just one of personal terror but also of her resolve to protect her family and raise community awareness. She discusses the emotional and psychological toll, the perceived malevolence of the creature, and the broader implications of such entities on public safety and personal well-being. The episode encourages openness and dialogue about these mysterious encounters, stressing the importance of community support and safety.Share your Bigfoot encounter here: bigf