Falls Presbyterian Church (OPC)

Eternity Mindset



An eternity mindset helps us to see singleness and marriage as gifts, and not as distractions from serving God. -1. In our present distress -v.26-, in our brief time in this world -v.29-, and in a world that is passing away -v.31-, our eternity mindset changes how we see--a- relationships -v.29- -b- losses -v.30- -c- happiness -v.30- -d- possessions -v.30- -d- culture -v.31- -2. A married Christian must balance devotion to spouse-family and devotion to The Lord. -v.32-35--3. As Christians approach the decision to marry, we make the best decision that we can in the Lord, and continue being devoted to the Lord and His work. -v.36-40--How does eternity inform your decision whether to marry---What is our top priority-- Matthew 6-33 and 22-30-What is the proper place of family for a Christian-- Luke 14-26-What is more important than whether you marry-- 2 Cor. 11-3