Tools For Every Day Leaders & Managers With Leadership Coach Kris Plachy

How to Say What Needs to Be Said | E157



In this episode of Leadership is Feminine, host Kris Plachy dives into the essential topic of expressing assertiveness and setting boundaries in professional settings. Kris illuminates the difference between what people say when they don't feel the need to guard what they say, versus what they convey in less clear ways when they feel protective. Kris emphasizes that the majority of women she coaches need guidance to articulate what needs to be said fearlessly and in clear terms. She candidly explores her own journey of setting stronger expectations during her info sessions, transforming them into active, participative experiences rather than passive webinars. A significant theme that emerges is how essential it is to set clear expectations, whether that's in team interactions, client meetings, or personal relationships. Kris candidly discusses her own experiences navigating this and shares how she boldly updated her expectations for those attending her sessions. This episode is an eye-opener for leaders who s