Dr. Howard Smith Oncall

Limp Handshakes Associated With Depression: Best Of Jan 2023



Limp Handshakes Associated With Depression   Vidcast:  https://www.instagram.com/p/C5ttozjLsY5/   Those with a strong handgrip have a 26% lower risk of depression as years go by.  This the conclusion after a study of 115,600 older Europeans living in 24 different countries over a 7 year period.     The investigators found a dose-response relationship between handgrip power and risk of depression for both men and women.  The association seemed somewhat stronger for women than for men.    The association may be due to the fact that physical strength is an indicator of an overall level of health and well-being.  Then too, those who firmly grip the hands of those they meet is an indication of a positivity that cascades through through their social and work lives.   https://www.cambridge.org/core/journals/the-british-journal-of-psychiatry/article/doseresponse-association-of-handgrip-strength-and-risk-of-depression-a-longitudinal-study-of-115-601-older-adults-from-24-countries/5D9FF0D78CF22036C3F4FF2A593F8F64   #ha