Ashes Of The Imperium | A New 40k Podcast

Episode 99 - Codex Orks Review



Welcome to the Ashes of the Imperium! In this episode, we're going full WAAAGH! with a deep dive into the new Ork Codex, exploring the green tide like never before. Dan and Max share their enthusiasm for the latest release, discussing the rich narrative potential and the diverse range of detachments that can bring your Ork army to life on the tabletop. Dan unveils his vision for a Snakebite-themed force, complete with converted Ghazghkull Thraka leading a savage horde, while Max gets fired up about his elite Bully Boyz detachment, where the biggest and baddest Nobz and Meganobz smash through the enemy lines with unrelenting aggression. We also tease an upcoming special episode featuring the legend that is Steve, our previous co-host, who will help us unpack the Dread Mob detachment, an Ork enthusiast's dream come true. So grab your choppas and strap in for an episode that's as loud and proud as an Ork WAAAGH! itself. Share your thoughts with us on your favorite aspects of the Codex, and any co