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1092: Cutting Through the Clutter: Targeted Market Research, Competitor Analysis, and Insights from 30 Years of Entrepreneurship with Founding Partner of Liger Partners Eric V. Holtzclaw



How can thorough research transform your marketing approach? By delving deep into market trends, consumer behavior, and competitor analysis, businesses can pinpoint strategic opportunities and tailor their messaging for maximum impact. Through this, companies can cultivate a marketing strategy that not only resonates with their target audience but also outshines competitors in an ever-changing marketplace.  Eric V. Holtzclaw is the Founding Partner and Chief Strategist of Liger Partners, a marketing firm helping B2B companies cut through the noise. With over 30 years of experience founding startups and guiding companies to success, Eric has mastered the art of strategic marketing. He understands that with attention spans shrinking and messages proliferating, businesses need to deliver visceral reactions to stand out. Today, Eric shares insights on crafting an effective marketing strategy through research, understanding various skills required, the two types of entrepreneurs, and the importance of consisten