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1091: Revitalize Your Life: Embrace Mindfulness, Cultivate Relationship-Centric Marketing, and Uncover the Science Behind Aging Backwards with Health Coach Peggy Sealfon



Do you feel like your vitality and well-being are fading with age? Longing to recapture that youthful vigor and appearance? It's natural to seek ways to prolong our vitality and enjoy life fully. Fortunately, advancements in anti-aging technology offer hope for a rejuvenated you! Peggy Sealfon, a multifaceted health coach, author, podcaster, and entrepreneur, shares her first-hand experience of how anti-aging technology can turn back the hands of time and revitalize your health. Today, she will talk about the phototherapy and copper peptide-based innovations in anti-aging technology, how you can access these stem cell-activating solutions, strategies for cultivating positive influences, overcoming past limitations, and more! Resources Mind Body Fitness for Life Change How You Age Peggy Sealfon Website Peggy Sealfon on Facebook Peggy Sealfon on LinkedIn Talk About Healthy Living Podcast by Peggy Sealfon