Beauty Inside Out With Kimberly Snyder

5 Natural Ways to Boost Your Libido While Juggling a Busy Life



This week’s topic is: 5 Natural Ways to Boost Your Libido While Juggling a Busy Life We all have so much going on in our lives, in our work lives, our personal lives, in maintaining a household, and sometimes we're just not feeling that connected to our sexual side, to connecting with our partner or ourselves. And we can start to feel disconnected. We can start to feel that something is out of balance. And this is very common. I want to have this conversation because sometimes we don't talk about all these different topics, however, it’s important that we cover everything in our holistic lifestyle. And this one very much falls into our Body Cornerstone. I would say it falls into our Emotional Wellbeing Cornerstone as well, because I think that sexual energy has a lot to do in its healthiest form. It has a lot to do with connection. Connection to yourself, connection to others. And so I'm very excited to get into our show today with 5 practical ideas about how to naturally boost your sexual connection, your