Beauty Inside Out With Kimberly Snyder

Feng Shui With Samantha Colicchio & Red Light Therapy Benefits!



We've talked a lot about the dangers of blue light, but on the opposite end of the spectrum, there are considerable health benefits to red light exposure. It can improve sleep, boost mood, optimize hormones, accelerate fat burning and so much more. In this segment, Tony and I discuss the many options for red light exposure, and how to get more of this "super light" into your lifestyle, no matter what your budget! Next, we have my very special guest Samantha Colicchio, is a Fung Shui expert specializing in Flying Star Feng Shui and founder of Sparrow Feng Shui in Los Angeles. If the home is a metaphor for our "insides," it is very telling when our homes are full of clutter, and uncomfortable to inhabit.  When a client feels stagnant, Samantha comes into the home and shakes it up. Listen in as Samantha shares these ancient principles, and how to create a relaxing and sensual haven. [BULLETS] Tony and I talk about the colors of light and how they can have different effects on your body... How infrared is like a