Beauty Inside Out With Kimberly Snyder

Sound and Movement With Jamie Bechtold & All About Autophagy



In progressive alternative health and research circles, something called 'autophagy' has been receiving a LOT of attention lately. Autophagy is like your body's own internal recycling program, helping it eliminate toxins and reuse critical nutrients, such as protein, vitamins and minerals. Autophagy is a hot topic because it's one the most powerful ways to slow (and even reverse) the aging process. Benefits include improved mood, more youthful appearance, more energy, reduced inflammation, enhanced immunity and so much more. Next, we have my very special guest Jamie Bechtold who is an expert in the healing arts, creator of toneation and founder of the Soundbath Center and Reiki Center in Los Angeles. Jamie shares her personal journey and what led her towards  sound healing. Listen in as she shares this technique and how it can deepen the effects of the massage, helping clients enter into a state of relaxation much quicker than without it. [BULLETS] Tony and I delve into a different aspect of detoxing... Tony