Beauty Inside Out With Kimberly Snyder

Winter Aromatherapy Trends With Charlynn Avery & Too Much Estrogen?



When it comes to estrogen, we often think it's bad for men, but good for women. But a lot of new research is showing that women (and children, both boys and girls), are becoming overly estrogenic. In this segment, Tony and I help you understand the estrogen hormone, why it's becoming an issue, how to know if you have too much, and simple steps to get into balance. Next, we have my very special guest Charlynn Avery who is an aromatherapist and educator for Aura Cacia Pure Essential Oils. Charlynn loves natural healing and shares ways in which we can use essential oils in everything from our personal health to our household cleaners. Join us as Charlynn shares some of her personal tips on how to take charge of your life and health. [BULLETS] Tony and I talk about topics surrounding periods, cramping, and menopause... We share ways to help balance our hormones and our lifestyle... Facts surrounding estrogen and testosterone and how it affects both male and females... How the body can be overstimulated leading t