Beauty Inside Out With Kimberly Snyder

Common Food Combining Misunderstandings Explained!



I am so excited because it's time for this week's Q&A segment on "Beauty Inside Out" with Kimberly Snyder. This week, I answer four trending questions from the Beauty Detox Community. This week's most popular question was: Can you share a couple of the misunderstandings when it comes to food combining? Have you been asking yourself this very same question? If you want to know the answer to this question and 3 more sent in by Beauties just like you, listen now to find out! Remember you can submit your questions at [Questions Answered] Fran - Beauty Detox Foods GroupCan you share a couple of the misunderstandings when it comes to food combining? Melissa - Point Pleasant, NJI'm feeling so dehydrated. Is there any tea that helps with hydration? It is so cold and dry right now! Chris - Burlington, VEIf I don't have fresh ginger for my smoothies, how much ground ginger can I use to substitute? Xuxie - Beauty Detox Foods GroupAny advice to get my family onboard with the Beaut