Beauty Inside Out With Kimberly Snyder

Eco-Friendly Tips With Rona Berg & Holiday Slimming Tips and Tricks!



Let's face it, no one is perfect. We're all going to stray from our optimal diet this time of year, and that's okay! Especially because in this segment, Tony and I discuss our favorite tips and tricks for digesting the often richer, sweeter, heavier holiday food — without gaining a single pound. You'll learn how to use hot topics like intermittent fasting, ginger tea, probiotics, enzymes and much more to speed up digestion and keep your body looking amazing throughout the holidays!   Next, we have my very special guest Rona Berg, who is a an internationally renowned wellness and green lifestyle expert, journalist, and bestselling author. She wrote Beauty: The New Basics and Fast Beauty: 1000 Quick Fixes and is also currently the Editor-in-Chief of Organic Spa Magazine, the premier national consumer eco-lifestyle magazine. Listen in, as Rona shares some of her eco-friendly tips on beauty and health. [BULLETS] Tony and I discuss how to understand digestion and weight gain... How to burn through foods that you