Beauty Inside Out With Kimberly Snyder

Elevate Your Mood With Charlynn Avery & The Truth About Yoga



Yoga has obviously exploded in popularity, which is amazing! Yet there are some drawbacks. So much of the modern movement has given people the impression that yoga is all about difficult, visually impressive poses or "asanas." The truth, however, is that yoga is about so much more than that, as you'll learn on this segment. Tony and I breakdown some little-known history and secrets of yoga and how you can use the original ancient teachings and spirit to transform your body and life. Next, I have my very special guest Charlynn Avery who is an educator and aromatherapist. Charlynn always has such great insight into how to use aromatherapy to elevate our mood and feel great. Today, Charlynn and I will discuss just how powerful scent can be with regards to our overall health and energy. Listen in as we share ways in which we all can implement these oils into our daily self-care routines. [BULLETS] Tony and I share how we came into practicing yoga and the benefits we receive while still incorporating it into our