Liquid Church

How To Fight Fair In Your Marriage | Crazy Stupid Love Part 2



To make love last in a marriage, you must fight fair! Dr. John Gottman, a relationship expert, studied couples for years and found four red flags when it comes to conflict. They are: criticizing each other, feeling contempt (that's like disrespect), getting defensive, and shutting down (also known as stonewalling). These are the ingredients that build resentment and often lead to divorce. We have to learn what not to do in order to learn how to fight fair.  There are also three green flags, or healthy habits that couples should use in their relationships: be quick to listen, slow to speak (talk less), and slow to anger. And here's a helpful trick: when someone's upset, ask them whether they need a solution or just someone to listen, so you know the best way to respond. Now, let's talk about anger. It's okay to feel mad sometimes, but it's important to deal with it calmly. And remember that forgiveness is like a superpower in relationships – it helps you move past the tough stuff. Watch