In The Market With Janet Parshall

Hour 2: Hope That Refines



The ongoing conflict in the Middle East that fills the evening news is not stopping God and his people from sharing the hope of the Gospel in that part of the world. On In The Market with Janet Parshall this week we once again heard from a friend of the program who has been called to serve the people in Iran. He shared more stories of God at work bringing thousands to salvation despite the turmoil in the region. We also talked to another friend of the program who was in Israel at the time of the Iranian attacks and shared his experience along with how the war is continuing to create an open door for more of the people there to coming to the saving knowledge of their Messiah. Hell is no easy topic to discuss. It is often ignored or turned into a punchline by many people because they do not want to consider the possibility that what the Bible says could really be real. A beloved and respected evangelist joined Janet this week to discuss the sobering reality of Hell by taking us back to God’s word to see w