
Daybreak for April 17, 2024



Wednesday of the Third Week of Easter Saint of the Day: St. Stephen Harding; joined St. Robert of Molesme at the abbey in Burgundy; when Robert left because of corruption and laxity, Stephen went with him, along with St. Alberic; when 21 other monks left Molesme, a new monastery was founded at Citeaux, with Robert as abbot; Robert returned to Molesme after a year, and Alberic served as abbot until his death; Stephen became the third abbot of Citeaux; Bernard of Clairvaux visited in 1112, and brought his followers with him; In 1119, Stephen wrote the Carter Caritatis, an important document for the Cistercian order; Stephen Harding died in 1134 Office of Readings and Morning Prayer for 4/17/24 Gospel: John 6:35-40