Mythic Radio Podcast (paranormal, Talk)

Big Update - We're Moving



(For more updates, go to: the past couple of weeks I’ve been focusing more of my time on family matters, and because of this, I have only been uploading a new episode every Monday. As you may recall, a couple of years ago my wife and I bought property in northern Michigan, and over the past couple of years, we’ve been enjoying our new location. However, our initial plans to build a cabin in the middle of Dogman country didn’t come to fruition as we had hoped. Now this wasn’t because of any one particular reason, but mainly because life tends to push you in certain directions, and we were presented with other options. Because of this, my family and I began looking at the different options that we had in order to reach our goals, and for many reasons that I won’t get into at this very moment, we decided to make what will hopefully be our last long distance move, and we’re headed to the state of Tennessee. What this means for the immediate future, is that I won’t