Cwcm Podcast

Ep 46 - Jane Fitkin



Jane Fitkin is the Director of Citizens for a Safe & Clean Lake Superior. Founded by local residents passionate about protecting the lakeshore we call home, CSCLS advocates for Lake Superior’s shoreline and watershed in Marquette County, Michigan. Jane shares about the recent success story of their Stop the Rocket campaign which effectively mobilized grassroots opposition to the deeply flawed space port project that was proposed to be built on the shore of Lake Superior. Jane also shares about current initiatives that the organization is focusing on including wetlands advocacy, as they lift up the importance of wetland ecosystems to the health and well-being of Marquette County communities. Finally, we get to hear a bit of Jane’s personal story - how she got into this work and what drives her passion and commitment to advocate for the protection and health of the Lake Superior shoreline and watershed. You can learn more about Citizens for a Safe & Clean Lake Superior and how you can support and get involve