Cwcm Podcast

Ep 44 - Tom Grotewohl



We’re happy to welcome Tom Grotewohl of Protect the Porkies, who are organizing against the development of the Copperwood Mine in Michigan’s Upper Peninsula. Important and time-sensitive calls to action: 1. Visit to learn more and to sign the petition opposing Copperwood Mine. 2. Sign up contribute a public comment to the Michigan Strategic Fund’s public comment session on March 26th at 10am (in-person in Lansing or virtually). You can get all the info about attending, pre-registering a virtual comment, or submitting a comment of opposition via email at 3. Protect the Porkies are also hosting a virtual town hall this Saturday, March 23 at 11am where you can get more campaign updates. Register here: This proposed metallic sulfide mine would be the closest to Lake Superior in history as well as bordering the North C