Radio Free Sarawak

18 April 2024



On Today Show — Dennis Along, PKR Baram Communications Director – Join Us Tomorrow: Kick Start Campaign to Repeal Section 5(7) of the Sarawak Land Code 1958 — John Bampa, activist from Belaga – Sarawak's Ambitious Hydroelectric Plans: Broken Promises and Skepticism — S Arutchelvan, deputy chairperson of PSM – Building a Fairer Economy: PSM Advocates for Wealth Tax to Address Social Issues Topik Pada Hari Ini - Dennis Along, Pengarah Komunikasi PKR Baram - Sertai Kami Esok: Memulakan Kempen untuk Tarik Balik Seksyen 5(7) Kanun Tanah Sarawak 1958 - John Bampa, aktivis dari Belaga - Rancangan Hidroelektrik yang Ambisius di Sarawak: Janji Kosong dan Skeptisisme - S Arutchelvan, Timbalan Pengerusi PSM - Membina Ekonomi yang Lebih Adil: PSM Mecadang Cukai Kekayaan untuk Menangani Isu Sosial -------------- Dennis Along, PKR Baram Communications Director *Join Us Tomorrow: Kick Start Campaign to Repeal Section 5(7) of the Sarawak Land Code 1958* The Kick Start campaign to repeal section 5(7) of the Sarawak Land