The Non-prophets

Solar Eclipse Brings all the Crazies to the Yard!



The Solar Eclipse Is the Super Bowl for ConspiracistsWIRED, By David Gilbert, on Apr 5, 2024 conversation delved into the multifaceted world of conspiracy theories surrounding the total solar eclipse on April 8th. Infidel and the panel explored various theories, ranging from Masonic plots to bizarre beliefs about sacrifices at the Temple in Israel. The discussion highlighted how these theories intersect with religious fundamentalism, mental health issues, and the psychology of belief.Jason shared insights from a study linking belief in fake news to delusionality, dogmatism, and religious fundamentalism. He emphasized the role of skepticism in combating the tendency to believe in falsehoods, especially among those entrenched in fundamentalist ideologies. Helen discussed the psychological aspects of belief, noting how patterns and confirmation bias contribute to entrenched worldviews.Infidel provided a real-life example of the tragic consequences of extr