Defenders Tv Podcast The Home Of Punisher, Daredevil, Jessica Jones, Luke Cage, Iron Fist And Thor Ragnarok

Fantastic Four 2015 Movie Review – Defenders TV Podcast Episode 24



Fox's Fantastic Four mostly directed by Josh Trank (Chronicle) was released on the 7th of August 2015. Join three of our Defenders, Chris, John and Derek for our Fantastic Four 2015 Movie Review on its weekend of release. We begin our discussion of this movie with our spoiler free thoughts on whether some of our listeners who are on the fence about seeing the latest version of the Fantastic Four on the big screen should take the time out to see it. We then provide our full detailed thoughts through our top five standout points about the movie. If you want to send us any thoughts on this review or any of our other episodes please email us at Fantastic Four 2015 Movie review Synopsis - SPOILERS A young scientist, Reed Richards (Miles Teller) enlists the help of junk yard worker Ben Grimm (Jamie Bell) to help him develop an experimental teleportation machine. The initial tests worked but Reed continues to work on the project for the next seven years until he's spotted at a sc