Weekly Economics Podcast

Does Greece Need a Plan B?



A month on from the Greek election, Kirsty Styles chats to James Meadway, Senior Economist at the New Economics Foundation (NEF), about the Syriza-led government's deal with the Eurogroup and whether it needs a Plan B. Jargon of the week: Troika Links and reading list: Letter from Yanis Varoufakis to Eurogroup, leaked 24 February 2015: http://bit.ly/17Y5umG Kasinos, A., Mariolis, T. (2012), “Switch to devalued drachma and cost-push inflation: a simple input-output approach to the Greek case”, Modern Economics 3: http://bit.ly/1EsAh86 Kouvelakis, S. (2015), “The Alternative in Greece”, Jacobin: http://bit.ly/1Dkgbex Lapavitsas, C., et al. (2011), Breaking up? A route out of the euro crisis, London: Research on Money and Finance Lapavitsas, C. and Flassbeck, L. (2015), Against the Troika: crisis and austerity in the eurozone, London: Verso Mason, P. (2015), “Missing from Greek deal: figures”, Channel 4 blog: http://bit.ly/1FXKWtc Kirsty Styles on Twitter: www.twitter.com/kirstystyles1 James Meadway on