Youth Worker On Fire Podcast

013 Dr. Gordon Greenhalgh Family Therapist , Dad, Surfer, Inner City Worker YFC Youth Guidance



Dr. Gordon Greenhalgh has been a good friend for many years. We started Campus Life and Youth Guidance for YFC when we were in our 20s. He's a surfer. I witnessed him surfing with whales in California. He was a high school wrestler and more. Gordon is a licensed psychotherapist, has been in practice over 25 years counseling individuals, couples and families. He has a Master's Degree in Marriage, Family and Child Counseling and a Ph.D. in Psychology. He talks about the importance of youth workers and volunteers taking care of themselves, both mentally and physically, so you can better care for others. Dr. Gordon is a father and a husband. He's the homerun hitter that I send families to when they have real problems with their adolescents and young adults. I've seen him change the lives of inner-city students in Orlando, FL as a Youth Guidance Director/YFC. Outside he looks like a calm cool individual but inside he is full of fire to help those who are hurting. Get his books and go online to