Amazing Fba

Why Tesla might go bust – Lessons for Amazon Sellers



Is Tesla going bankrupt? More importantly - is your ecommerce business? Tesla isn't the Point Sorry for the enigmatic start. I've just got to get your attention somehow. I'm trying to educate you, but I sneakily got to make it entertaining, I guess. So I was just going through my LinkedIn feed earlier and up pops an analyst talking about Tesla. And what struck me wasn't the fact that he thought Tesla could go bankrupt, that it is "the most overvalued stock in history" and that its business model is broken. Although if you invest in Tesla, those are important things, that's not the point of today's post. By the way, just to disclose, I am an investor in Tesla currently, but I may not be soon. I may choose to divest. Now I am not giving you any stock investing advice. God only knows that is not something I'm qualified in or experienced enough to give any advice to anyone about. So that's not what I'm doing. Do your own homework on Tesla. But the point is this I haven't done enough homework. I d