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Virtual Assistant Hiring Mistakes: How to Avoid Bad VA Freelancer Choices



For e-commerce brand owners looking to scale their businesses with minimal capital, hiring virtual assistants (VAs) can be a game-changer. However, making the wrong hire can lead to lost time, money, and productivity. In this comprehensive guide, we'll explore common virtual assistant hiring mistakes and provide actionable tips to help you navigate the process seamlessly. 00:00:43 - Introduction to FreeUp00:01:41 - FreeUp Services00:02:32 - Hiring the Right Freelancers00:06:20 - Effective Communication and Expectations00:08:16 - Structured Approach to Hiring00:09:52 - Creating a Scope of Work00:12:09 - Vetting Freelancers with Test Projects00:14:23 - Tailoring the Interview Process Define Your Needs and Create a Solid Scope of Work Before you even begin the recruitment process, it's crucial to define your needs and create a detailed scope of work. Start by grabbing a pen and paper, and list out all the menial tasks you can hand off to a VA. When you see these tasks in writing, you'll realize which on