Amazing Fba

Is uk e-commerce market growing? John Lewis and Brick and Mortar stores



Is uk e-commerce market growing? John Lewis and Brick and Mortar stores  The state of retail and e-commerce in the UK in 2024 Hey folks, Michael from Amazing FBA. I've just been shopping in my new city, Welwyn Garden City at John Lewis, which used to be the company store here until the 1960s. And even now it's pretty dominant. And I want to talk about my new set of shoes and reflect on the state of retail and e-commerce. As part of my wanderings around Europe, London and the UK, I often like to reflect on retail experiences. I don't personally like shopping by the way. I prefer e-commerce because I can just buy whatever I want and get out. But when I go shoot shopping because of very, very awkward feet, I need to interact with a physical shop. Now, John Lewis. Let's talk about John Lewis for a second. John Lewis is a brand, it's a retail brand rather than a brand that makes things, although they do have their own lines, private label lines of things. We also have an interesting secondhand relation