American Planning Association

Planning the Autonomous Future: Episode 2 Featuring Corey Clothier



In the second episode of the APA Podcast series Planning the Autonomous Future, hosts Jennifer Henaghan and Kelley Coyner hear about the ins and outs of conducting autonomous vehicle pilot projects from Corey Clothier, a principal at Mobility e3. Corey talks about his involvement in the first automated vehicle (AV) pilot in the United States — a project called Applied Robotics for Installations and Base Operations (ARIBO), which changed the way that soldiers involved with Wounded Warriors at North Carolina’s Fort Bragg Army Base traveled to their medical appointments. Corey also discusses the quickly changing landscape of AV pilots across the country and divulges what steps communities should follow when considering an autonomous vehicle pilot. Later on in the episode, the three talk autonomous vehicle design and what types of eye-catching looks vehicle makers are coming up with.