American Planning Association

2011 L'Enfant Lecture on City Planning and Deisgn with Marilyn Taylor



2011 Lecture Tuesday, October 25, 2011 San Francisco Planning, Policy, and Poetics: Reviving Investment in Transportation and Infrastructure in America Marilyn Taylor Dean of the University of Pennsylvania School of Design The 2011 L'Enfant Lecture was delivered by Marilyn Taylor, who became dean of The School of Design at the University of Pennsylvania in October 2008 after practicing as an architect and urban designer at Skidmore Owings & Merrill. Taylor spoke on "Planning, Policy, and Poetics: Reviving Investment in Transportation and Infrastructure in America." Can we, as designers and planners, help rekindle a sense of stewardship for the future and rebuild the public will needed to stimulate investment? What does this mean for planners and, perhaps more importantly, for planning education?