Wallbuilders Live! With David Barton & Rick Green

Cultivating Responsibility and Resisting Centralized Controls in Our Communities- with Justin Haskins



Uncover the influence that each one of us wields within our communities as we navigate the confluence of faith, culture, and law. Today's episode is a reminder that change begins at home, and we have the duty to foster truth and engage actively in local affairs. We're joined by Justin Haskins from the Heartland Institute, who sheds light on the concerning evolution of the Uniform Law Commission (ULC). The Commission, veering from its original mission, now endorses the Public Health Emergency Authority Act, setting the stage for for unprecedented gubernatorial power that could challenge our state sovereignty and encroach upon our individual freedoms.Our discussion takes a critical look at the potential for government overreach through the Public Health Emergency Act, and the implications it has on the constitutional balance of powers. Drawing historical parallels to feudal systems, we underscore the urgency of constitutional protections, especially during times of crisis. The episode is not just an a