Random Thoughts With Nicole L. Turner

You Don’t Have to Stick with a Bad Decision



Sticking with a bad decision is not a triumph of commitment. It’s a failure of courage. The quicker you are to admit you were wrong, the sooner you can start making it right. There are a number of reasons why people stick by a bad decision. Emotional investment: People often become emotionally invested in their decisions, especially if they've put a lot of time, effort, or resources into them. Admitting they made a mistake can feel like admitting failure, which can be difficult to accept. Fear of change: Even if a decision turns out to be bad, people may fear the uncertainty and discomfort that comes with changing course. They may worry about the consequences of abandoning their original decision and whether they'll be able to navigate a new path successfully. Cognitive dissonance: This is the psychological discomfort that arises when there's a discrepancy between beliefs and actions. People may rationalize their bad decisions to reduce this discomfort, convincing themselves that the decision wasn't actually