Dr. Howard Smith Oncall

A Smartphone App Helps Treat Depression



Vidcast:  https://www.instagram.com/p/C6W28Z6r14f/ The FDA has just approved the prescription phone app Rejoyn, created by Otsuka and Click Therapeutics.  It’s designed to be used by those with major depression already taking medications.  The app is to be used for 2 hours a week over 6 weeks. Its use results in significant resolution of depressive symptoms.   This benefit was demonstrated during a controlled study involving 400 depressed participants.  The app provides a therapeutic exercise called the Emotional Faces Memory Task that helps train an individual’s brain to better manage negative thoughts.  Essentially the app provides physical therapy for the mind.   We don’t yet have a price for this phone-based program, but it will require a prescription in order to be downloaded. https://otsuka-us.com/news/rejoyn-fda-authorized #depression #smartphone #prescription #negativity