Dr. Howard Smith Oncall

Red Cabbage Juice Helps Inflammatory Bowel Disease



Vidcast:  https://www.instagram.com/p/C6Wzb4srpj8/ The bioactive compounds in red cabbage juice, RCJ, reversed the consequences of colitis in a mouse model.  Researchers at the Universities of Missouri and Nebraska demonstrated that the freshly prepared juices from the red cabbage contain  polyphenols, anthrocyanins, organic acids, and multiple complex sugars. Mouse colitis, induced by dextran sodium sulfate, is remarkably similar to that in humans.  In mice with colitis, the addition of red cabbage juice, reversed the colitis-associated weight loss and shortened survival.  The juice strengthened the bowel lining and triggered the proliferation of beneficial fatty acid-producing bacteria in the microbiome which, in turn, stifled inflammation. Red cabbage juice has long been recommended by nutritionists for those with ulcerative colitis.  This latest research confirms its utility in a controlled study model and helps to explain why it does help this difficult-to-manage disorder. https://www.mdpi.com/1422-