

Hearing and doing are what make the difference. - Andy Stanley James 1:22-25 22. Do not merely listen; do. Listening without doing is deceptive. We can come to church, sing the songs - even feel emotion. But if we don't put into practice what we're learning, there's no real growth. 23-24. a word picture - we fix the outside but not the inside Coming to realize after being in Gods word yourself or hearing Gods word and realizing you need to make a change Honor God with your body, Invest more time in your kids, Or more in your marriage, To become aware that something needs to change and then to leave and do nothing is like looking at a mirror, and forgetting what you see. It'd be like getting up in the morning and looking in the mirror and see you need a shave, your hair is flat on one side and standing on the other, your teach need brushed, but you immediately forget and do nothing and go to school or work. You stand in front of the mirror until you're better - until it's fixed You do something about