

Colossians 2:9-15 The fullness of Christ given to us is His victory. The fullness of Christ is his victory over all. Jesus' sacrifice - his death on the cross and his resurrection - defeated the enemies of God. 1. Our old, sinful nature was put off 2. We were made alive with Christ 3. Our sins were forgiven 4. The charge of our was canceled 5. God's enemies were disarmed v. 11 Our sinful nature was put off Paul compares this spiritual truth to the physical act of circumcision. Circumcision was a physical mark on he bodies of Jewish males that they were the people of God's covenant. It should that they were God's set people, set apart from the rest of humanity. Spiritually circumcised in Christ. Christ separates our sins from us. Our old, sinful self is removed by Jesus' death. In our struggle against sin, we are to remember this, that our old sinful nature that used to have complete power over us is dead. Romans 6:5-11 When we are tempted, we are to remember, the grip of our sinful nature has been broken an