

Colossians 1:24-29 V. 24a 1. Paul is glad to suffer for the cause of Christ He's not talking about people reacting to him being annoying. Paul is so convinced of the supremacy of Christ that he sees the cause of Christ as being worth suffering for. Jim Elliot, missionary to an Auca Indian settlement in Ecuador. They spent 3 months getting ready to make contact with a tribe known to be hostile, even violent, to outsiders. People warned the young men about how dangerous their plans to contact the tribe was. Before he even met any of them, he wrote in his journal, "I would gladly give my life for these people." January 8, 1956, Elliot and four others were murdered by the Indian tribe. Some years later a wife and a sister led a number of the tribe to Jesus Christ. Jesus said that people should consider the cost of following Him. Paul and Jim Elliot and countless other followers of Jesus considered the cost and determined, "I am glad to suffer for Christ." V.24b " I fill up in my flesh what is still lackin