

Salvation cost you nothing but discipleship will cost you everything. Salvation happens in an instant; discipleship takes a lifetime. Salvation is something God does for you; discipleship is something we do with God. We focus on the moment of a decision, but Christianity is a lifelong devotion to Jesus. Jesus never said that following him was easy or quick, but he did say following him is worth whatever it costs. A disciple is one who follows Jesus Not just "saved" - but obedient and faithful Not someone who carries a Christian label, but someone who wants to do what Jesus says Luke 14:25-35 Jesus tells us 5 ways "following me will cost you" Vv. 25-26 hate those you love and your own life No one taught more about loving people than Jesus. What does this mean? Our relationship with him should be far and above any other relationship we have. Our relationship with him is supreme, above our own families No one can be as significant to us as him Following Jesus is to have him as your first love. V. 27 Romans